The game has graphics!
It's been a whole year now and a lot has changed. Take a look! If you've checked the previous, now terribly outdated post, you might notice that the graphics have been improved from no-graphics-at-all to something decent. Keeping the game stylized, I added post-processing and some textures (along with realistic architectural proportions). I still think graphics don't make a game, but they sure are nice to look at. And naturally a good horror game needs some atmospheric graphics. Okay, but what else has changed? Shut in Panic is now aimed to be a modern indie survival horror co-op ("modern" as opposed to "retro"). Basically, what started as a retro project quickly turned into something more as I noticed the potential and realised that the game can't end up as something totally obscure. The game began with a really low bar on graphics because its idea was based on a completely text based project that I wanted to create with simple 3D g...