Video Update

So many new things to show! I'm not going to try and fit everything on this post, so expect a bit more frequent updates from now on. A lot of technical aspects have been sorted as well, meaning there will be more tangible things to share in the future. Let's start with this quick teaser video I made to show off the new visual style: Shut in Panic | Intro The style has gradually developed as I've experimented and learned new things. I'm quite happy with how the game looks now, it's not even half bad. The dither filter I used earlier (visible in my previous post) turned out to be unusable because you couldn't really compress it, meaning video attempts were super blurry and had banding issues. To get this new look, I started experimenting with color ramps, and eventually created a color grading editor to have precise control over the gradients. I worked on textures as well of course (though they are still l...