Can't stop upgrading graphics! + Physical interaction!

I gotta stop promising what I'll write about in future posts. This time I have, again, a short new video and some screenshots to show. Plus, some major changes to talk about. The video showcases the new physical interaction mechanics similar to Penumbra and Amnesia. I've updated the textures and shadows as well. Here's a link to the video: Shut in Panic | Interaction And some screenshots before going into the topic: Major Changes I've taken a good look at this project and cut down some excess features. But I've also added some better systems. Here's an overview: No more co-op! It dawned on me that neither survival horror nor roguelite mechanics support multiplayer in any way. Neither did multiplayer enhance those genres. (Co-op does not work well with permadeath, let me tell you.) Physical interaction system! Without netcode to worry about, I can go wild with physics! No text parser ...